Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia //
On a journey to the Far East of Russia, to a place where the work of creation has not yet ended

Photographs: Arala Yoel, Galia Gutman
As the evening falls on Moscow, the dawn rises on the Kamchatka Peninsula located in the far east of Russia, between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Strait. The flight from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the capital of Kamchatka, takes nine hours. We fly over Siberia. There is no sign of life below, only endless taiga forests.
Kamchatka is a place of creation that has not yet ended, a primordial land of undisturbed nature, of vibrant geothermal activity, volcanoes that smoke all the time, rivers, bears flanking salmon fish, and thousands of flowers in all the colors of the rainbow that emerge in the summer from the black volcanic ash. Kamchatka is also a place of legends and beliefs of the original natives, "the people from the far end".